Tracking of heavy equipment for mining or civil works , adjustment and prevention of the use of vehicles for unauthorized purposes
Provider Network, Transmission Solutions, Public Safety and Communications, VSAT Satellite Hubs, SCADA
Intelligent Management of Taxi and Buses for easy and optimal pick-up to reduce costs to track the location of every cab in real time.
Morbi vehicula a nibh in commodo. Aliquam quis dolor eget lectus pulvinar malesuada. Suspendisse eu rhoncus ligula.
Our long experience at the top of the events business means we have expertise which reaches across a number of sectors, as well as knowledge of specific protocol and local regulations. But we know that things change, and we are constantly striving to adapt and improve.
Fusce viverra risus diam, in luctus nulla porta vel. Etiam nunc lorem, dapibus augue vitae, lacinia pharetra eros. Fusce ac egestas purus, non porta est.
TANIM works with investors on turnkey projects and for Cloud based Service providers.
The Company plans to continue with its expansion into Africa.
Accordingly, the company is currently open to working with the right investment group to assist in growing the business and taking it to the next level.
If you represent an investment group, that has experience investing in African companies, and you would like to know more about our company and possibly pursue an investment opportunity, please send your contact information and a brief description of your investment group to the following email